Implementing the Recovery Plan

DISASTERRECOVERYTODAY. COM D I S A S T E R R E C O V E R Y T O D A Y Following our discussion of the appeals process, we remind applicants of the statutory deadlines imposed by FEMAwhen implementing your recovery plan. A reference source for these deadlines is Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations (44 CFR), which imposes the timeline for many disaster response and recovery activities undertaken by FEMA grant applicants. Deadlines are delineated for submitting the Notice of Interest, for identifying damage, for completing work, and for filing appeals, to name a few. We hope we have sufficiently emphasized the need to keep all records and perform all activities by the book, especially since it is FEMA’s guidelines being followed. It is important to keep accurate records, and follow the scope of work outlined by the applicable Project Worksheet. In the next issue, we will discuss issues such as record-keeping, changes to scope and costs in a PW, and project filing in anticipation of final inspection and close-out. Key FEMA deadlines Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations File Request for Public Assistance —Within 30 days of area designation. —Submitted to the RD via the state on FEMA Form 90-49. 2 Submission of applicant-prepared small PWs —Within 30 days of kickoff meeting with the PAC, subject to 20% validation. —Within 31-60 days of kickoff meeting, subject to 100% validation. File documents for damage discovered after first inspection —Within 60 days after initial visit. —Submitted to the RD via the state. 2 Debris Removal (Category A) —6 months. ³ —The state is empowered to extend the deadlines for an additional 6 months. Emergency Protective Measures (Category B) —6 months. 3 —The state is empowered to extend the deadlines for an additional 6 months. Permanent Work (Categories C through G) —18 months. 3 —The state is empowered to extend the deadlines for an additional 30 months. File Appeal —60 days from formal notification for the first or second appeal. ² The RD may extend deadlines “when justified and requested in writing...based on extenuating circumstances beyond the grantee’s or sub-grantee’s control.” 44 CFR, 206.202 (f)(2) ³ If a further extension of a deadline is required, then the state, acting on the applicant’s behalf—must submit a written request to the FEMA RD for an extension. The request should include detailed information about all previous time extensions, an explanation of why more time is required, and an estimated completion date. CORPORATE OFF ICE 126 Business Park Drive Utica, New York 13502 1-800-382-2468 Outside U.S. (315) 797-3035 FAX: (315) 272-2054 [email protected] PUBL ISHER Ronald A. Cuccaro, SPPA EDI TOR Sheila E. Salvatore WEB ADDRESSES DISASTER RECOVERY TODAY is published as a public service by Adjusters International, Inc. It is provided for general information and is not intended to replace professional insurance, legal and/or financial advice for specific cases. DRC06-R2 4006 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Copyright © 2007 Adjusters International, Inc. Adjusters International ® and the AI logo are registered trademarks of Adjusters International, Inc. All rights reserved. Jeff Shaw Adjusters International